Stormy Weather


Stormy Weather

May 2, 2017
Peter Nelson
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I took my Dachshund, Charlie, out for a walk on Saturday morning before it started raining but it didn’t stay that way for long! At first it fell in a refreshingly cool, light sprinkle, but by the time we got home it was pouring!

With rain comes thunder and lightening, but luckily Charlie has no issue with loud noises. This is not the case with all dogs though! Storm phobia is a common problem reported by owners about their dogs. Some dogs with storm phobia are also frightened of other loud noises, such as fireworks or gunshots, but others are only afraid of storms. It can create bouts of anxiety, leaving poor pups quivering!

If your dog experiences anxiety from thunder and other loud noises, or more generally, I’d recommend to wrap him/her up in a Thunder Shirt. It wraps dogs comfortably tight, helping them feel secure and relieving their stress. It’s a must have for dogs that sometimes feel a little overwhelmed sometimes (don’t we all feel a little overwhelmed sometimes!). Hmm. . . maybe I need a Thunder Shirt for humans. . .

The Thunder Shirt is available for purchase in our store:

Also available, from the same brand, is the Thunder Leash! If your dog pulls while you walk, you can hold them without yanking on their neck like a traditional leash would:


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